Tuesday, 10 November 2009

The Dark Side to the Tooth Fairy

Having some trouble getting Adam's newest artwork scanned in, so here's a brief filler till then.

I know the art is appalling, especially that bit around the head of the bed, but it is filler after all. Might come back to it. Probably won't.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

New Web Comics On Their Way

Finally working on the new stuff from Adam now... It should be up in the next couple of days when I get the chance to finish it. Until then, if you're new to the site, check out the rest of our work by clicking (again and again and again) on the "Older Posts" link at the bottom of this page.


Saturday, 31 October 2009

Happy Halloween!

Have a good one.

We'll be posting new work in the near future, as soon as I get round to colouring Adam's stuff.

Bye for now!

Friday, 23 October 2009


Uh huh. Thought provoking, isn't it?

Nope, of course it isn't. It's completely ridiculous.

Anyway, see ya.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

It's A Snail's Life

New web comics have been posted at last! In fact there are two, so check back to the previous page for a little surreal-ish morsel. Or you can just click on this link.

Now for a brief newspost.

Firstly, apologies to anyone who doesn't speak French... I'm hoping that it's simple enough for anyone with a basic idea of the language to understand though.

Adam's given me some new material to be working on, so I'll be getting round to that as soon as possible - hopefully we might be able to get back into our old routine at some point, fingers crossed :]

Anyway, enjoy (if you can!)

The Alcoholic Rabbit

Why not, really?

Bet you can't answer that.

Or if you can you're thinking about it waay too hard.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Dont ask where this one came from... But hey, two posts in as many days! Not being able to do anything because of a broken-for-the-second-time foot is very good at getting the creative juices flowing.

Mmmm.... creative juices......

I fear slightly for my sanity


Wednesday, 7 October 2009

Viruses Have Feelings Too

A comment made by a friend on facebook sparked this little idea (thanks, Harry)...

As you can no doubt tell, the art is very rough around the edges, but I was too tired to spend more than 10 minutes making this one. I may clean it up when I have the time.

Anyway, enjoy. It's my first post in a while, so go easy with your (quite deserved) judging!

Bye for now


Saturday, 26 September 2009

Fear the Fruit

Why? Heaven knows. All I know is there's been no post for a very long while, so I whipped this one up for a change of scene. Maybe one of these days there'll actually be some decent work in this space. But that's a big maybe.

Keep checking our pages occaisionally though... you never know.

Ciao for now.

Friday, 11 September 2009

Multi-dimensional hikers (new post day: friday)

I think this may be both the worst and the most surreal comic from Something Standard to date. Not much for me to say other than that really...

Also - I'd like to announce that due to the fact that we just haven't been able to keep up with our self-imposed deadlines, we're dropping back to just one post a week for now. Which probably means I'm going to change the post day to FRIDAYS. So yeah, keep checking back for updates.

Thanks all

Monday, 7 September 2009

Woo, it's a filler webcomic!

Unfortunately we just haven't had the time to do a proper comic this weekend.. (Check out our other page, http://somethingstandard.wordpress.com/ for more information.)

Normal service should be resumed by Wednesday.

Bye for now!

Saturday, 5 September 2009

New Website! (somethingstandard.wordpress.com)

We've recently put up a new site at [somethingstandard.wordpress.com]. Wordpress allows us a little more flexibility when putting up posts, and is slightly easier to maintain... So we're going to update both here and there for a while, and if we like the new site more then we might consider a permanent move. But yeah, check it out.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Another apology... No posts at all this week I'm afraid, starting a new term at college along with other engagements has meant everything's been a bit crazy. Once we've got our heads together we should be able to resume with our original schedule of posting on Wednesday & Sunday, so I hope that means another comic will be up this weekend. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, 27 August 2009

"One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them..."

"...one ring to bring them all and in the darkness ogle the elf-maidens."

Joy to the world, it's another comic! Managed to get my photoshop problems sorted out, so here it is.It was fun working on this one, possibly due to the fact that there are only two frames, so I was able to take a bit more time on each to get them how I wanted. So I'd like to thank Adam for the script and line art =]
And yes, it's a LoTR comic... I hope you won't mind us poking loving fun at Tolkien's world. Who knew Sauron was such a pervert? Although I suppose it comes as no surprise, seeing as he wasn't the nicest guy to begin with.
This weekend's comic will either come to you a few days early or a few days late, due to the fact that Adam and I are actually both in possession of a social life.
See you soon.
Hey all, sorry Wednesday's post isn't up yet, I've been having some photoshop trouble. I hope to have it up sometime this evening. Thanks!

Monday, 24 August 2009

From Adam: We haven't heard from me in a while, eh? Leedle change of schedule for the next week, I've just mailed louis a comic so he should have that coloured in the next couple of days, looks like you're going to be getting a couple for wednesday, as we're off for a few days, to beachdown! (Music festival) This will no doubt fill us with some sort of inspiration for future comics, if we make it out alive. keep reading, tell your friends and whatnot. Later.

"Flat-Packed Foibles"

Well I just woke up and realized I hadn't posted the comic yet.. So here it is. I don't know how many times I've tried to assemble flat-packed furniture without being completely stumped by the diagrams (and only diagrams - apparently words aren't needed) that are meant to show how to assemble the damned thing. So yeah. The comic is fairly self explanatory really. Enjoy.

And now I return to the land of sleep and dreams.

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Tonight's post will probably be up a bit late. Adam hasn't been able to get the line art up today, due to social engagements... So I've quickly written a filler for today, just in case anyone is actually watching this page that religiously. If you are, I suggest you find something more constructive to do with your time.

only kidding we love you unknown Something Standard fan
please never leave us...


The filler should be up later, assuming I'm not too tired to finish it. If I am, then there should be a comic up tomorrow. Normal service will resume again on Wednesday.

Thursday, 20 August 2009

FYI people, the post's also up at deviantART. 'Cause you care. =]


Wednesday, 19 August 2009

"Welcome to Something Standard"

Hey look, another one's up! Our second post, and we haven't given up yet. Looks like we're posting every Wednesday and Sunday now, so hopefully we'll be able to stick to that schedule. I'm liking the design for today's strip, so we'll probably be moving more towards this layout as time goes by, as long as Adam agrees. Anyway, I hope you like the comic, and I think Adam's planning on putting up a better newspost later, so bye for now.

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Louis: So the first one's up! Few kinks to be ironed out maybe... but whatever. Tired now, might do more tomorrow. Will see what Adam thinks of the colouring, and my near mutilation of his initial artwork.

Adam: That is indeed a good combination of efforts. The sky's the limit now!